From 2004 to 2024, the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) funded the National Coordinating Center for the Regional Genetics Networks (NCC). NCC developed and maintained the Genetics Policy Hub.
With the conclusion of NCC funding, the Genetics Policy Hub (GPH) will no longer be updated or maintained. Information on GPH should be used for historical reference only.
This data is meant to be used for educational purposes to inform providers, patients, insurers, and state Medicaid agencies what genetic services may or may not be written into each state’s Medicaid policy. The database is not meant to indicate or imply whether a certain program will cover a specific service, since many decisions are made on a case by case basis. If you have specific questions about whether a service is covered, you should reach out to your plan administrator. Please see this disclaimer below for more information.
Medicaid Coverage Information Published
State Contact Information
Theodore Mermigos, Acting Director
Lisa Zimmerman, Deputy Director
(302) 255-9500
1901 N. Du Pont Highway, Lewis Bldg.
New Castle, Delaware 19720
FAX: (302) 255-4454
General Genetic Testing Criteria
Genetic Testing Not Covered
State Specific Definition
Genetic Services for Children
Genetic Counseling Requirement
You may apply for Genetic Counselor licensure by Original or Provisional methods. The documentation that you are required to submit depends on how you are applying.
Apply for an original license if you have certification from the American Board of Genetic Counselors (ABGC) or the American Board of Medical Genetics and Genomics (ABMGG).
Apply for a provisional license if ABGC has granted you Active Candidate Status.
In addition to submitting the application and fee in DELPROS, you must submit:
- State of Delaware and Federal Bureau of Investigation criminal background checks (CBC). Follow the instructions on the Criminal History Record Check Authorization Open this document with ReadSpeaker docReader form to arrange to be fingerprinted. Submit the forms and payment to the State Bureau of Identification (SBI). Do not send these forms to the Board office.
- Verification that you are certified as either a genetic counselor by the ABGC or ABMGG or a medical geneticist by the ABMG if you already hold one of these certifications. The certifying organization must send the verification directly to the Council office.
- State/Jurisdiction Licensure Verification sent directly to the Board office from each state or jurisdiction in which you currently hold or have ever held a Genetic Counselor license.
Metabolic Formula Coverage Legislation
DC §16‐201
DC §18‐3355
DC §18‐3571
DAC §16‐4103
Metabolic Formula Coverage & Criteria
Oral nutrition is considered reasonable and necessary for a patient who requires supplementation of their daily protein and caloric intake.
Patients who can adequately obtain nutrition orally will not be approved for nutrition therapy with the following exceptions:
- Pregnant women with phenylketonuria (PKU)
- Failure to thrive-documentation must be attached that details the diagnosis of
failure to thrive - Individuals with birth defects, cerebral palsy, cystic fibrosis, metabolic diseases,
or other medical conditions that prevent them from obtaining sufficient nutrition
from a normal diet.
When requesting authorization for oral nutrition, the DME provider must submit specific documentation and use modifier BO (Orally Administered Nutrition Not by Feeding Tube) which is available on the MMIS and in Appendix 2 of the Level
II HCPCS book.
When requesting authorization for oral nutrition for a patient with renal disease, the provider must obtain the following forms from the dialysis center: a Renal Supplement Application/Renewal Form (Appendix C), a Medicare Enteral Nutrition CMN (Appendix E), and a Medicare Denial for Medicare Part B enrollees. These forms must be submitted with a Medicaid Certificate of Medical Necessity (Appendix B).
When requesting authorization for oral nutrition for other patients, the provider must submit a Medicare Enteral Nutrition CMN (Appendix E) and a Medicaid Certificate of Medical Necessity (Appendix B) that are completed and signed by
the physician. In addition, a physician’s letter of medical necessity and prescription must be submitted. The letter must document the primary diagnosis and any other related medical conditions that prevent the individual from
obtaining sufficient nutrition from a normal diet and must include the following, as
- Physical findings: Height, Weight and Ideal Body Weight or Body Mass Index.
Explanation of weight loss with specific dates and measurements. Other physical examination findings. - Significant laboratory data (for example, Serum Albumin)
- Discussion of any risk factors found related to undernutrition in any of the following areas: clinical features, eating habits, living environment, functional status, mental/cognitive status.
Prior Authorization Requirements
PA required for:
- Oncology (Breast);
- Gene expression testing.
Prior Authorization Forms
Fee Schedule
BRCA Testing Coverage
Coverage is available, but criteria is unknown.
Requirements for BRCA
Cystic Fibrosis Screening
Coverage is available, but criteria is unknown.
Hereditary Cancer Testing Coverage
Coverage is available, but criteria is unknown.
Lynch Syndrome Testing Coverage
Coverage is available, but criteria is unknown.
Microarray Testing
Coverage is available, but criteria is unknown.
Newborn Screening
Under the Delaware Title 18 Insurance code the below services must be available to all children insured under a major medical health insurance policy issued in the state:
Phenylketonuria (PKU) and Other Inherited Metabolic Diseases
Panel Testing
“Gene Profile Panel Breast” coverage is available. Criteria is unknown.
Pharmacogenetic Testing
Coverage is available, but criteria is unknown.
Prenatal Testing Offered
Coverage is available, but criteria is unknown.
Whole Exome Sequencing
Full gene sequencing testing coverage is available, but criteria is unknown.
Other Tests Covered
DMMA Extended Preventative Coverage to Younger Delaware Medicaid Recipients to Align with USPSTF Recommendations for Colorectal Cancer Screenings.
The United States Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) expanded the recommended ages for colorectal cancer screening from 50 to 75 years to now include ages 45 to 75 years. The USPSTF continues to recommend selectively screening adults aged
76 to 85 years for colorectal cancer. This expansion covers adults 45 years and older who do not have signs or symptoms of colorectal cancer and who are at average
risk for colorectal cancer (i.e., no prior diagnosis of colorectal cancer, adenomatous polyps, or inflammatory bowel disease; no personal diagnosis or family history of known genetic disorders that predispose them to a high lifetime risk of colorectal cancer
[such as Lynch syndrome or familial adenomatous polyposis]).
Other Information
Newborn Screening Reimbursement

Disclaimer: The information contained in the database has been obtained from sources believed to be reliable but NCC has not attempted to validate or confirm the information. The database may be updated periodically. However, the accuracy and completeness of the information contained in the database cannot be, and is not, guaranteed. NCC makes no warranty of the accuracy, completeness or timeliness of this information, and shall not be liable for any decision made in reliance on this information. It is the user’s responsibility to verify this information by contacting the state Medicaid agency directly.
The database contains links to third-party websites. These links are provided solely as a convenience to users and not as a guarantee, warrantee, or recommendation by NCC of the content on such third-party websites or as an indication of any affiliation, sponsorship or endorsement of such third party websites. NCC is not responsible for the content of linked third-party sites and does not make any representations regarding the privacy practices of, or the content or accuracy of materials on, such third-party websites. If you decide to access linked third-party websites, you do so at your own risk. Your use of third-party websites is subject to the terms of use for such sites.